Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Cashion Spot #1: Pasar Senen, Central Jakarta

Cashion Spot is either a place to find secondhand awesome things or a place for boosting your DIY creativity. It may be a market, a shop, a brand, or a bunch of creative people.   PASAR SENEN, Central Jakarta Pasar Senen Pasar Senen is the biggest fashion trift market in Jakarta. Located in Central Jakarta, everyday, people in all age range -both men and women- makes this market very crowded. In Pasar Senen, you can see millions of clothes, vintage shoes, scarfs, bags, bed covers, and even underwear! The price range very variatively from Rp 1.000 to Rp 50.000. (What? Rp 1000? YES it is!) This place is also some bloggers favorite,...

Cashion Spot #1: Pasar Senen (Video)

Pasar Senen (Monday Mark...

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

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