Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Submit Desain untuk Calon Desainer Fashion Show IKYF 2012

Masih semangat untuk berkarya?

Agenda pertama dari para Calon Designer Fashion Show adalah submit desain looks.
Berikut adalah hal yang harus diperhatikan:

1. What's the theme of Fashion Show?
Desain sebebas-bebasnya dan sekreatif imajinasi designer dalam memahami Cultural Diversity. 

2. What is Cashion? What does the value Cashion brings?
Cashion adalah sebuah gerakan Fashion yang bersifat nonprofit. Nilai yang ingin Gerakan Cashion usung adalah nilai bahwa semua orang bisa fashionable, walaupun memakai barang-barang yang tidak mahal
Maka dari itu, Cashion mengkampanyekan secondhand fashion items shopping dan DIY Project.
Desain yang para designer buat diharapkan memakai batasan itu.
- TIDAK MAHAL (Mengestimasikan realisasi desain looks dengan batasan harga Rp 200.000 ke bawah)
- YOUR SECONDHAND FINDINGS yang di-remake atau di-mix and match, atau bisa juga

3. What kind of event is International Indonesia Kids and Youth Fair 2012 (IKYF 2012)?
Acara yang akan kita "invasi" adalah International Indonesia Kids & Youth Fair 2012. 
Seperti nama acaranya, acara ini adalah Festival Anak-Anak dan Remaja dari SD, SMP, dan SMA nasional dan internasional. Kamu bisa akses websitenya di http://www.international-ikyf.com
Audience kita yang utama adalah KIDS, YOUTH, and PARENTS.  
Diharapkan untuk menyesuaikan desain looks dengan audience.

4. The deadline of submitting?
Batasan Pengumpulan Desain adalah tanggal 29 Desember 2011 Pukul 24.00
ke email: emma_khazanah@yahoo.com yang juga di cc ke: irviene.maretha@gmail.com
yang dikirim:
- Gambar desain
- Deskripsi Desain (material yang digunakan, konsep desain, dll)

5. How many design I can submit?
Sebanyak dan seliar yang dapat kamu imajinasikan! Penilaian akan dilakukan secara obyektif.

4. How about the budget if my design got selected?
Kamu akan membiayai realisasi looks yang kamu desain sendiri. Bagaimanapun, Cashion adalah sebuah gerakan nonprofit. Kami hanya memberikan akomodasi dan media untuk menunjukkan bahwa kamu juga bisa berkarya!
NB: Kami akan mempertimbangkan perihal subsidi tiap desain yang terealisasi. Hal ini akan diberitahukan kemudian.

5. Tambahan: (sifat optional)
Cashion telah bekerja sama dengan Meralodist, supplier aksesoris kalung yang bedomisili di Jakarta. Meralodist memproduksi kalung dengan konsep recycling material. 
Desain looks para designer dapat ditunjang dengan kalung-kalung meralodist secara free.

Silakan memilih aksesoris yang dibutuhkan di http://meralodist.blogspot.com

6. Who have applied to be designer?
Calon desainer per 24 Desember 2011 yang telah mendaftar:
a. Ema Hari - Univ. Paramadina 
b. Nesya - Univ. Paramadina
c. Vina Triana - Univ. Paramadina
d. Devina Nuryani - Univ. Paramadina
e. Mutya Juni - Univ. Paramadina
f. Niko - Univ. Paramadina
g. Krisaldi
h. Marsha 
i. Harumi Kartini - Universitas Paramadina

Semoga sukses! Tetap semangat, tetap berkarya!

CP: Ems (08176985855)
       Irviene 085649924594)

Cashion is Joining IKYF 2012

Cashion will hold Fashion Show in International Indonesia Kids & Youth Fair 2012.
Place: Gandaria City
Date: 28-29 January 2012

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Cashion Movement: South France

Cashion has a chance to spread the movement in South France. Everybody loves Cashion and get involved in it!

Cashion Movement: Kharisma Creativani

Kharisma Creativani is a design of visual communication student from Paramadina University. She likes effortless style with a vintage touch. Here is the usual style with her favorite old shoes.

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Jessi Arrington Interview on Yoxi

Yoxi, a creative competition about social innovation in VIMEO have a great interview with Jessi Arrington, the TED Speaker of "Wearing Nothing New". This video contains about the philosophy of buying secondhand things, Enjoy!

Who Cares? Jessi Arrington from Yoxi on Vimeo.

Cashion People #1: Jessi Arrington

Cashion People is human beings who either have passion in buying secondhand things or making her/his own fashion stuff

Short Profile: Jessi Arrington is a founder and owner of WORKSHOP, a designer firm in Brooklyn. Her favorite color is rainbow and her default answer is YES. She’s taught Design Fundamentals at Touro College and given guest lectures at NYU; she's a board member of AIGA/NY. Before co-founding WORKSHOP, she carried out branding for Brooklyn Brewery, Tomato Records and Lion Brand Yarn under the direction of Milton Glaser. She makes a hobby of wearing nothing new (except undies).

Jessi Arrington is a designer based in Brooklyn that also makes website named Lucky So and So. What's unique about her website is, she used to post her daily style into it. And what makes her style so unique? She is wearing nothing new!

some of her looks in Lucky So and So

She get all of her looks by buying in trift store in every place she get in. And like every trift store, she get her fashion items in a very cheap and unique way! 

Her uniqueness makes her get a chance to share her talk in TED, a website contains about the most influencing talks around the world visited by something like three-quarters of a million people daily. This is her five minutes talk that get the standing applause from attendances. (a must seen talk!) 

This talk is about her way of life of wearing nothing new. She loves finding, wearing, and blogging a different, colorful, yet crazy outfit for any single occasion by buying the secondhand items in flea market and trift stores. This way of life teaching her about many things.

"Secondhand shopping allows me to reduce the impact my wardrobe has on the environment and on my wallet. I get to meet all kinds of great people; my dollars usually go to a good cause; I look pretty unique; and it makes shopping like my own personal treasure hunt. I mean, what am I going to find today? Is it going to be my size? Will I like the color? Will it be under $20? If all the answers are yes, I feel as though I've won." - Jessi Arrington

She is a truly Cashion People.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Scarves from ordinary material

Cashion DIY is a place to share your own way of making your own fashion items. The things could be clothes, accessories, shoes, and other fashion stuffs that you make by yourself. Just email us if you want to show to the world that you're crafty!

In this holiday, I want to add my scarf collection. Rather than buy the new one, I'd like to make it by myself!

Ingredients:  Material only. You'll need 1 x 1.75 meters of each scarf.

I bought both leftover and brand new material. 
This leftover fabric costs Rp 20.000 ($ 2)
This is 'Satin Air'. Cost Rp 20.000 ($ 2)
This is also kind of Satin. cost Rp 25.000 ($ 2.5)
 How to make:
Scarf is simply a material that have a neat edge. So, I'm just let the tailor do the job. (that is sewing the edge of the material. cost Rp 4.000 each)

The Result:


TOTAL COST: Rp. 77.000 for 3 beautiful scarves (almost $ 8)

A Super Duper Warmy Hats!

Cashion Movement is a collective DIY & Secondhand fashion consciousness from the people around the world. Just sent us email if you want to contribute in Cashion Movement!

Irviene Maretha, 19, College Student

"I was thrilled that I could find these knitted hats with a super cheap price! They're not secondhands, indeed. But they are fashion items that have been out of date for the sake of trend. I don't think they're outtadate. These are awesomeness in my eyes! And for the plus, I can wear it with my hijab!"

Item: Knitted Hats (3 pieces)
Price: @ Rp 6.000 (less than $ 1)
Spot: Pasar Minggu, Malang, Jawa Timur

Lost in Japan

Cashion Looks are the featured looks that contain either secondhand or DIY fashion items. They also are concluded with the total price for the look and the shopping spots.

Kimono - Rp 15.000, Pasar Senen
Green Suede Bag - Rp 3.500, Pasar Senen
Black Opaque, Irviene's
Black Pump, Mariska's

TOTAL Rp 18.500 (almost $ 2)

Model by Mariska Estelita
Photography and Make Up by Asfiyah Fadillah
Wardrobe and Editing by Irviene Maretha

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Copyright Cashion Indonesia

Talking to the black

Cashion Looks are the featured looks that contain either secondhand or DIY fashion items. They also are concluded with the total price for the look and the shopping spots.

Little Black Dress - Rp 25.000, Garage Sale at Mampang, South Jakarta
Necklace, Irviene's
Bracelet, Mariska's
Black Pumps, Mariska's

TOTAL - Rp 25.000 ($ 2.5)

Model by Mariska Estelita
Photography and Make Up by Asfiyah Fadillah
Wardrobe and Editing by Irviene Maretha

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Copyright Cashion Indonesia


Cashion Looks are the featured looks that contain either secondhand or DIY fashion items. They also are concluded with the total price for the look and the shopping spots.

Bold Red Blazer - Rp 30.000, Blogger Yard Sale at Mazee FX (Fashion Maverick's)
Zebra Tight - Rp 60.000, GoGirl 2010 Bazaar at Salihara
Black Boots - Rp 40.000, ITC Mangga Dua
Vintage Etnic Bag - Rp 25.000, Pasar Senen

TOTAL Rp 155.000 ($ 15.5)

Model by Mariska Estelita
Photography and Make Up by Asfiyah Fadillah
Wardrobe and Editing by Irviene Maretha

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Copyright Cashion Indonesia

Bold, Breeze, Beauty

Cashion Looks are the featured looks that contain either secondhand or DIY fashion items. They also are concluded with the total price for the look and the shopping spots.

Rainbow Dress - Rp 25.000 ($ 2.5), Sale at Mi Casa Su Casa
Summer Wedges, Vina's
Necklace worn as Bracelet, Irviene's and Mariska's

TOTAL Rp 25.000 ($ 2.5)

Model by Mariska Estelita
Photography and Make Up by Asfiyah Fadillah
Wardrobe and Editing by Irviene Maretha

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Copyright Cashion Indonesia

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